Lloyd´s Agent in Reykjavík (Iceland)


Könnun undertakes a comprehensive range of surveys and investigations
Könnun evaluates the loss based on relevant documentation and prepares for adjustment. We act as independent agent between the claimant and many insurance companies around the world for loss adjusting and claims settlement services
Könnun Legal delivers claims management services such as recoveries achieving successful recovery results and out of court settlements. Our aim is always to reach solutions quickly which are economically in the interests of our principals.
The Lloyd’s Agency network provides 24 hour year
round independent marine surveying and claims
adjusting services to the global insurance industry
and its customers.
With over 250 Lloyd’s Agents and a similar number of Sub-Agents, covering major ports and commercial centres around the world, the Lloyd’s Agency network forms the world’s most extensive marine surveying and adjusting network.
All Lloyd’s Agents are expected to adhere to service standards that meet or surpass the ever increasing demands of the network’s users. Website link: www.lloyds.com/lloydsagentsservicelevels
In order to ensure that high service standards are maintained all Lloyd’s Agents undergo a continuous process of audit and inspection.
The Lloyd’s Agency network is the only network that has a mandatory educational training and examination program. The training modules focus on the core activities of the Agents, covering professional standards and values, technical cargo surveying and practical claims and recovery handling.
Könnun is Lloyd´s Agent in Reykjavík (Iceland)
Könnun ehf. was established in 1968 and was appointed as Lloyd's Agent from January 1, 1968.
Through the years we have been heavily involved in the Lloyd's Agency network business and always prepared to do our utmost to meet the high requirements set by the Lloyd’s Agency Department.
The training we have received through the Lloyd´s Agency Department has enabled us to provide world class services to our clients located all over the globe.
Fast, efficient, and honest, Könnun has become a reputable and well-known surveying company.